Angélica Oteiza S.                2023    

Angélica Oteiza is a Mexican designer based in Cambridge, Ma.

She is interested in the multiscalar interacions between natural and human systems, with a focus on climate adaptation and resiliency strategies.

Her practice explores design as research method in a variety of mediums, ranging from writing and exhibition design to landscape architecture and planning. 

She Holds a Master in Landscape Architecture (2023) from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, and a Bachelor’s in Architecture (2017) from Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has practiced across the private and public sectors, employing the power of design for innovation projects, mostly on multidisciplinary teams.

Selected Work:

01. Design

       1.1 Recharge +
1.2 Unveiled City 
1.3 Negotiating Resiliency
1.4 Wastescapes

02. Exhibition & Experience  

        2.1 Yes, But Also...
        2.2 Manchamanteles
        2.3 Participatory Design

03. Research 

        3.1 The Bricks of Harvard
        3.2 MCI Fellowship (Under Construction)
        3.3 Pennywhite Fund (Under Construction)

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Unveiled City



Unveiled City

Harvard Graduate School of Design
Department of Landscape Architecture

Spring 2022

Advised by:
Rosalea Monacella
Climate adaptation system for Newmarket Square, in Boston, Ma.

The project looks at hardscapes, in particular the asphalt coverage in the city as a missed opportunity for healthy ecosystems and climate adaptation.

The proposed system targets sea level rise trough the creation of seasonal sponge-garden wetlands, in the existing urban fabric. The project tackles the risks associated with sea level rise as well as those of land use and cover change for both the human and non-human inhabitants of the neighborhood.



We live in cities where the powerful human eye has projected conditions fit only for those conisdered as equals. An obsession with efficiency abd speed has resulted in homogeneous, covered, isolating surface landscapes. Such vision has deeply damaged natural cycles and biodiversity in the planet we share.

Unveiled City materializes a vision of symbiosis, the project presents an urban ecosystem nurtured from a diversity of intimate exchanges. Unveiled city is an act of rebellion agains the indifference imposed by asphalt covering.

A porous city that breathes at the rythm of essential, life-sustaining cycles creating room for multi-scale processes to exist above and below ground.

Unveiled city pushes us to understand one another and the places we live in, to realize that we are all part of the same intertiwned system.

The project presents an urgent, shared vision for the anthropocene, where we recognize all species as equals, in order to discover opportunities for intimate coexistence for all.